Five Essential Building Supplies For Constructing Energy-Efficient Homes In Australia

Posted on: 23 June 2023

Constructing energy-efficient homes is an increasingly important goal for Australian general contractors. This shift in focus is largely driven by the need to create sustainable, environmentally friendly housing while also reducing energy costs. Here are five essential building supplies that contribute significantly to energy efficiency in Australian homes.

1. High-Performance Insulation

Insulation is one of the most critical factors in energy-efficient construction. It serves as a barrier to heat flow, reducing energy consumption and, in turn, greenhouse gas emissions.

One such product favoured by Australian builders is cellulose insulation. Made from recycled newspaper and treated for fire resistance, cellulose insulation boasts superior thermal performance, which significantly enhances a home's energy efficiency. When installed properly, these building supplies fill cavities and gaps to create a virtually airtight building envelope, reducing the amount of energy required to heat or cool the home.

2. Thermally Efficient Window Systems

A substantial amount of a home's heat gain or loss can occur through windows. Therefore, thermally efficient window systems are crucial building supplies for energy-efficient construction.

Double-glazed windows, featuring two panes of glass separated by a vacuum or gas-filled space, are widely used in Australian construction. However, a step further is Low-E (low emissivity) windows. Low-E windows have a special coating that reflects thermal radiation, meaning it prevents heat from leaving in winter and blocks the sun's heat in summer. These windows can dramatically reduce heating and cooling costs while providing comfortable living spaces.

3. Green Concrete

Concrete, an essential building supply, has been given a green makeover. Green concrete, often composed of industrial by-products like fly ash or slag cement, is not only a sustainable alternative to traditional concrete but also has better thermal properties. This alternative concrete variety improves the insulation of a home, thereby contributing to energy efficiency.

4. Cool Roofing Materials

Australia's climate demands consideration of the sun's impact, particularly when selecting roofing materials. Cool roofs, designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof, help maintain cooler internal temperatures, thus reducing the need for air conditioning.

For instance, light-coloured metal roofing or roofing tiles treated with a reflective coating can mitigate heat absorption, making the home more energy-efficient and comfortable in the hot Australian summers.

5. Sustainable Timber

Timber, one of the most traditional building supplies, has found renewed importance in energy-efficient construction. Sustainably sourced timber is not only environmentally friendly but also has natural insulating properties that can contribute significantly to a home's energy efficiency.

Timber has some of the best thermal insulation properties of any mainstream construction material, meaning it can keep homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer, leading to lower energy consumption. Furthermore, timber-framed houses allow for more space for insulation within the walls, improving the home's overall thermal efficiency.

Contact a professional to learn more about building supplies
